Every Family Deserves a Strong Home

With millions of Americans living in multifamily housing, our nation can’t meaningfully reduce the impact of natural disasters without strengthening its multifamily communities. Fortunately, the FORTIFIED program makes it easy to determine how best to defend them from high wind, hail, hurricanes, and even tornadoes.

Not only is resilient construction good for your tenants, but it’s also good for your bottom line. A New Study by the ACCIR shows the return on investing in FORTIFIED Multifamily™ can be as high as 72 percent. 

Build to a Higher Standard

Based on decades of research by IBHS, FORTIFIED is a voluntary construction and re-roofing program designed to strengthen homes, commercial buildings and now, multifamily properties against severe weather.  After issuing over 35,000 designations to single-family homeowners, FORTIFIED now offers designations for multifamily communities, empowering developers, owners and property managers to make their properties more resilient.

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FORTIFIED Multifamily Helps Decrease Risk While Increasing Value

Lower operating costs by reducing risk and potentially lowering insurance rates
Increase Revenue: 74% of tenants surveyed would pay an average of 2.17% more to live in resilient building.
Enhance asset desirability by minimizing risk of damage and lost revenue due to storms
Support lease up by offering homes designed to withstand Mother Nature
Provide residents with peace of mind that they will have a home to return to when the storm passes.

FORTIFIED Multifamily includes three levels of resiliency:

When severe weather strikes, FORTIFIED Roof keeps the roof on and the rain out.


FORTIFIED Silver includes the protection of FORTIFIED Roof and adds additional protection to vulnerable and often overlooked components, including gable ends, doors and windows.

For ultimate protection choose FORTIFIED Gold. It includes all the protection of FORTIFIED Roof and Silver and requires that each building’s entire structure is tied together forming a continuous load path.

Steps to a FORTIFIED Multifamily Designation

Giving your multifamily community the added protection offered by the FORTIFIED program is a simple process you can start today.
Apply Now
Process Flow Chart

Get the Fact Sheet


Select Your Level of Protection

Review the standard to better understand the upgrades required for each designation level and choose the one that best meets your needs.



Complete the online Project Survey and a member of the FORTIFIED team will contact you with application details.


Work with an Evaluator

Once you negotiate a consulting agreement with the Evaluator, they will complete the necessary reviews and evaluations to verify the construction project complies with the FORTIFIED standard.


Enjoy Reduced Risks

When the next storm hits, you’ll have some peace of mind, knowing you’ve taken the extra steps to protect your property. The lower risks may also help to reduce insurance costs.

What Can We Help You With?

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